Hike it up
Star tours
While it might sound romantic, star-shaped tours aren’t supposed to mean gazing at the stars at night. Star tours are special because every day you start from home, and after every route we come come home as well. Which basically means, if we’d draw a line while we are hiking, the route would look like a star.
Gyilkos-lake and Békás-cove, Szent Anna-lake, Mohos peat bog, Torjai Smelly Cave, Parad salt mine, Salt-cove, Parad walk, Korondi Csiga-hill, Vargyas-cove
Cultural and artificial
Csíkszereda- Mikó castle, Gyergyószentmiklós- Tarisznyás Márton Museum, Gyergyószárhegy- Lázár castle, Máréfalva village , Székelyudvarhely- Szejkefürdő, Segesvár and Bözödújfalu villages